Everything You Need to Know About SEO Text Analysis


SEO Text Checker gives an idea of whether our page has enough text relevance to get in, and what prevents our text from being at the top. Whether it is spam, non-unique or watery. Or maybe we are missing several occurrences of the query in the text? But in any case, the usefulness of the text for the user comes first. That is, if a person is looking for queries on casino games, does the text on nationalcasino.com/en_ca/live-casino/live-roulette answer the question of the PS user, does it cover the topic completely.

The year is 2021, and the customers of the texts – optimizers, webmasters, entrepreneurs – are still:

  • require complete technical uniqueness – better for text.ru, and Advego, and a couple of other services at the same time;
  • wrapping or sending texts for revision only because of a couple of missing percentages of spam, water content, or something else like that;
  • calculate the exact and inaccurate occurrences of keywords and the volume of the text, focusing on the top 10 results of Yandex or Google for the target query;

Despite suffering and a lot of wasted time, you can end up with completely useless text. While it might be perfect in terms of SEO analysis, it won’t bring in sales, conversions, improved site behavior, or even search traffic (all of a sudden).

What Is SEO Text Analysis and What Is Its Meaning

SEO text analysis – checking for compliance with the (perceived) requirements of search engines and, as a rule, an assessment in terms of readability.

It is designed to solve two main tasks:

  • Attract search traffic

Optimization of the text should help to improve the ranking in Yandex / Google, so that the page is shown in higher positions and for the maximum number of various requests. Another SEO analysis is designed to protect you from falling under all sorts of filters like “Baden-Baden” 1.

  • Help the user

User behavior plays an important role in SEO. In order for people to stay on the site longer and interact with it more actively, you need to respond to their search queries with high quality. And unnecessary words, general phrases, repetitions and the like make it difficult to transfer information.

Overview of Key Metrics and SEO Text Analysis Tools


Shows dissimilarity to other texts on the Internet, measured as a percentage. The lower the uniqueness, the more fragments in the text that are already found somewhere.

Water content

It is defined as the ratio of “insignificant” words (phraseological units, widespread expressions, common phrases, etc.) to the total number of words in the document. The higher the percentage of water content, the more words in the text that do not affect SEO and do not carry a special semantic load.

Spaminess / nausea

Reflects “density”, that is, the number of times a search query or common words and phrases are repeated. It is believed that as the indicator grows, readability deteriorates and the risk of penalties from search engines increases.

How to Carry Out SEO Analysis of Text and Is It Needed at All

SEO text analysis is a good tool for quickly identifying complete copy-paste and outright graphomania.

In other cases, automatic checks do not give any guarantees that the text that is suitable for all parameters:

  • will cause a desire to read, repost, comment;
  • will convert well into leads: applications, orders, subscriptions;
  • or at least bring search traffic.


If you want to engage in SEO-checks of the text, you should not set excessive requirements, and even for several services at once. Otherwise, you can publish unreadable text that will not even bring traffic from the search.

In fact, it is better to find an experienced editor for an objective assessment of quality. It will determine both water and stop words, while taking into account the target audience, red policy, structure and other important points.

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