Tips To Boost Your Mood – 8 Working ways

  1. Get Your Daily Dose Of Sunshine

Staying indoors or in poorly lit areas can affect your mood. One of the reasons for this is that the body cannot produce enough feel-good hormones or serotonin, lift your spirits. Increasing your exposure to natural light or sunshine can, however, help. This can be as simple as moving your desk closer to the window, going for a few minutes’ walk (even in winter), or opening up the curtains to let the light in. Investing in a lightbox and using it if there’s no sunlight outside would be a wise move too. Doctors and health experts recommend it, especially for persons with SAD. If you have been feeling low for some time and afraid of sliding into depression, going out and getting a dose of sunlight (for at least 30 minutes) can help liven you up.

  1. Eat Healthily 

Focus on foods known to relieve anxiety and improve moods (Klonopin). Munching on a piece of dark chocolate, a cup of green tea, fresh vegetables and fruits, and some soup broth can help lift your mood and spirits during the cold winter season. It would also be advisable to avoid foods loaded with sugars and simple carbs, such as white bread, cookies, pasta, and processed foods, as these will only make the condition worse. While junk food may seem like a wonderful treat, all they cause is a sugar rush for a few minutes, which crashes almost immediately, leaving you feeling worse. Make an effort to add fresh foods and fruits to your diet plan for a healthier and happier self.

  1. Start Exercising

Numerous studies have shown exercise to be an effective remedy for depression. Getting as much or little exercise as you can in a day can go a long way in improving your health and overall wellbeing. You don’t necessarily have to join the gym to stay fit. A 10- or 30-minute walk will do wonders in uplifting your moods. You could also invite your friends and family to exercise as a team too. Indoor basketball, going for a walk around the neighborhood, dancing, and staying active will go a long way in keeping you happier while preventing winter weight gain.

  1. Listen To Cheerful and Uplifting Music

As cliché as it may sound, listening to good music can positively impact your mood. This has been backed by a study conducted at the University of Missouri. Compile a playlist of music you love, put on your dancing should, and dance your stresses away.

  1. Do Something Good For Others

You don’t have to be the wealthiest person to be able to lend a hand. Participating in charity events, volunteering at local events or organizations, and donating whatever little you have is not only a good gesture but leaves one’s soul satisfied. Helping with house chores do also counts in this.

  1. Maintain And Or Grow Your Social Circle

While all you may want is to spend time alone, this wouldn’t be a wise move. Living in solitude will only impact your mood, a reason experts recommend going out to meet new people and friends. Spending time with the people you love, especially friends and family, will help elevate your mood during this time. Try keeping in touch with your loved ones online if going to them is a challenge.

  1. Allow Your Mind And Body To Relax

Sleep and health experts recommend at least 6 hours of sleep every day. It’s only while you sleep that your body and mind get to relax and rejuvenate. That said, you want to give your body enough time to rest to beat stress and depression. Engaging in relaxing activities, such as slow and deep breathing, yoga, meditation, etc., can help elevate your moods and health.

  1. Learn To Appreciate Yourself

The fast-paced world has forced us to work even harder, forgetting ourselves. Although you may have bills to pay at the end of the month, you still need to care for yourself. Neglecting yourself will only take a toll on your health and overall wellbeing, making it even harder to do even the simplest tasks. Learn to appreciate yourself and whatever little you have achieved to get the motivation to get going the following day.

If you find that you are struggling and would like some help get adult therapy to support you.

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